Bugtraq 2 Black widow
09. November 2013 (23:12)
Zadnje mesece sem pri izvajanju varnostnih testov, poleg standardnih Backtrac in Kali platform, začel uporabljati tudi Backtraq 2 Black Widow distribucijo. Tudi tukaj je na voljo veliki nabor orodij za testiranje različnih področij računalniške varnosti. Na voljo so naslednje kategorije: Anonymity & Investigation Enumeration Mapping Web Auditory Vulnerability Detection Pentesting Sniffers Brute force attack Communication Malware Laboratories Anti-malware Forensic Analyses Mobile security […]
SQLNinja za testiranje “SQL Injection” ranljivosti
28. October 2013 (14:17)
SQLNinja je orodje namenjeno izvajanju pentest  SQL injection napadov na spletne aplikacije, ki v ozadju (back-end) za svoje delovanje uporabljajo MS SQL bazo. Kot vemo je “SQL injection” kritična varnostna pomanjkljivost, ki lahko močno ogrozi delovaje naših aplikacij in sistemov. Podrobna navodila najdemo tukaj, spodaj je podan kratek opis osnovnih funkcij: Fingerprint of the remote […]
Projekt Vez-je – podarite računalnik mladim v stiski
27. February 2013 (11:27)
Sredi decembra 2012 smo z mojo punco Katarino in nekaj prijatelji začeli s projektom Vez-je. S projektom Vez-je želimo pomagati otrokom in mladim v socialni stiski, ki si ne morejo privoščiti računalnika. Ideja je bila moja in ko sem jo…Read more ›
5. obletnica bloga
03. May 2011 (19:23)
Danes mineva natanko 5 let, ko sem zapisal svojo prvo objavo. Nikoli si ne bi mislil, da bo to začetek nečesa tako velikega. Da me bo blog pripeljal do pisanja za Mobitel, da bom preko bloga spoznal ogromno novih prijateljev. Bilo je čudovitih 5 let, želel bi si jih še več, mogoče ne ravno na [...]
Picons Weather released – 60 new vector icons
27. April 2011 (20:29)
Picons Weather is our new set of 60 royalty-free weather icons expressing all kinds of weather conditions, available in color and black & white. The bundle is including different vector files (AI, PDF and EPS) as well as Photoshop’s PSD and CSH (Custom Shape) and each icon as an independent transparent PNG in 8 different [...]
Soncno popoldne v aprilu
11. April 2011 (23:36)
Pustimo za trenutek ob strani, da nisem spisal nekaj konkretnega za svoj blog že zelo dolgo. To zdaj delam za Tehnika in enostavno nimam časa še spisati kaj za tukaj. Povod za pisanje danes izvira od drugje. Izvira iz preprostega sončnega popoldneva preživetega v Tivoliju. V bistvu je bolj šlo za uro in pol, ampak [...]
Picons.me released! Royalty-free vector icons for designers
03. March 2011 (19:35)
As you may have already noticed, we finally released Picons.me – royalty-free vector icons for all kind of designers. We are still very excited about this release. The respond is great, we hope you love the new website and – more important – the all new icons as much as we do. NEW BUNDLES Picons Basic 2 [...]
Pictograms rebrand – Picons.me coming soon
18. January 2011 (00:08)
Morphix Pictograms became Picons.me. It’s a personal project with a new brand, new pictograms and new website. I’ve been working on it since October last year (a sneak peek on Flickr) and expect it will be ready to launch in a month or two. I would love to release the new site sooner, but I [...]
Pictograms – a first résumé & what’s coming next
13. October 2010 (21:52)
It has been a little more than two months, after I released Morphix Pictograms – a set of 140 vector icons for graphic designers. I have to admit, it was a great success. I’ve got a lot of positive feedback and mentions on Twitter and other websites. I’m planning to release a second set in January [...]
Best phone on the world
05. August 2010 (14:23)
[White Bear] Welcome to phone mart, how may I help you? [Brown Bear] iPhone4, where is the iPhone4? I need an iPhone4! [White Bear] Oh, I’m very sorry, we are currently sold out! However, we did finally get some more HTC Evo’s in! [Brown Bear] What! What is that? Is it an iPhone? [White Bear] [...]